
Goalball: Reflections from Sulin

Sulin, 30, is the BRAVE photographer for the Young Women Touch + Goalball Singapore Interaction. She is a fulltime editor/photographer at Raymond Phang Photography, a company with photography accolades. She decided to volunteer her skills in BRAVE SPACES by “heart and gut feel”; “with almost no expectations other than to find herself and gain a wider perspective on life” with the people that she interacts with. She is discovering that by documenting BRAVE SPACE’S journey behind the lens she is in for an interesting ride.

Her motto is to never be afraid of trying new things and to welcome change. To her if the experience is not a great one, learn from it and move on.

“I try to live life with little regret, to never regret the past and to use it as a learning journey so I can grow as an individual from it and not be the person who constantly wished challenging experiences never befall me. Comme ci comme ça, come what may.

Covering the recent event was honestly a refreshing change from my work setting. It changed my rather ignorant perceptions of the visually impaired community. I realised how little interaction I have had with them in the past.

Watching them move on court was like poetry in motion, almost as if they were not visually impaired. They moved with confidence and executed shoots without hesitation. The non- visually impaired team was no slouch either, considering that it was their first time playing Goalball. They adapted fast and learnt well.

It was exhilarating watching everyone give their all to the moment”.


Facebook album: https://www.facebook.com/pg/BraveSpacesSG/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1875450666091122

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